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5 Mistakes to Avoid If You Use Videos for Digital Signage - Kitcast Blog

5 Mistakes to Avoid If You Use Videos for Digital Signage

We’ve analyzed the digital signage video content market and highlighted the most popular mistakes that you should never make to stay successful.

Digital signage video content is hard to produce but easy to distribute. While taking that whole journey from the original idea to the video digital signage system, there are plenty of mistakes you can stumble upon.

Don’t panic; today’s article on digital signage videos will make your success inevitable. You will become an expert that won’t deal with rookie mistakes. This way, you’ll be able to stay ahead of your competitors and get great results for your business. 

1. The videos are too long

Digital signage video content is one of the interactive ways to communicate with your potential customers. The signage itself provides you with an enormous toolset to make sure your target audience sees this specific video in a particular location and in the pre-defined time of the day. This is something you can use to diversify your signage content.

But while working with videos for digital signage, you have to get straight to the topic in seconds. There is no time to tell a long story if it’s not a waiting room in a hospital or a digital signage video for a shuttle bus. Basically, you have under one minute or so to grab your viewer’s attention and make him do something, interact with your brand. 

Every digital signage video should be brief and easy to understand. Unfortunately, many digital signage video makers tend to forget that people don’t want to deal with complex content when it comes to marketing. Make sure you understand that.

5 Mistakes to Avoid If You Use Videos for Digital Signage - Kitcast Blog

2. Using audio when you shouldn’t

Digital signage video is an excellent idea if you want to deliver something more creative and get better conversions. Simply because videos are way more entertaining than other types of content. 

However, the question that usually arises is whether you need audio in your digital signage video or not. The general rule of thumb sounds like this: it’s generally better to avoid the audio commentary, music or anything like this. If you need audio for your video, you should first make sure that the video is easy to understand without it. 

First of all, your videos should be accessible to people with ear problems. Then you should also make sure your audio will not annoy anyone. So this brings you to the question: is the sound worth trouble? Usually, it’s not. 

Also, some places like coffee shops and bars already have music running in the background. So your digital signage audio may make a lot of trouble. 

3. Forgetting about the call to action 

Videos for digital signage can be brief, elegant, and sophisticated. But what’s the point if you forgot to add the final call to action? You should always remember that your digital signage network is a tool that helps you make your content more interactive. How should your viewer interact with your signage if you’re not calling him out and offering to make an action?

Call to action is an essential part of any marketing content. Digital signage videos should convert, just like any other signage content.

You can invoke different feelings and desires in your viewer. Doing initial in-depth research on your target audience will help you determine their needs and wishes.

4. Choosing the wrong video digital signage software

It won’t matter how cool your digital signage video is if you choose the wrong software to display it. You should make sure that your signage software is ready to play videos, schedule them, easily change, and manage remotely. 

Your ideal digital signage software for signage videos should also have a video editor so that you could make changes on the go. That would be just your perfect fit.

5. Not measuring results and ignoring necessary adjustments

So let’s say you’ve managed to produce a fantastic digital signage video that holds to all the higher standards. If you think that it’s enough, you’re terribly wrong. Unfortunately, a huge number of business owners forget that any type of content should have intent, and the results of this video usage should be appropriately evaluated. 

Once you plug in your video to the signage system, give it a day or two to run. Observe and see how people interact with it, do the necessary research to evaluate when and why people stop to look at your screen and get annoyed with it. 

You’re now in charge of your video success, and it’s essential to make necessary adjustments depending on the reaction of your viewers. That’s why we said how important it is to have a powerful video editor under the hood of your digital signage software. 

Measure the conversion rate, average time spent near the screen, and the general data on people’s reactions. This will help you make the right adjustments and improve the viewers’ experience. 

Final thoughts on digital signage video

Before you start running videos on your digital signage screens, you’ve got to make sure they’re suitable for signage viewers. First of all, they have to be brief and straightforward. Avoid complexity and unnecessary lengthy introductions. 

Since your video is a part of your marketing campaign, you’ve got to watch the results and improve it for better conversions. All of these mistakes mentioned in our articles are like traps that you can fall in if you don’t do your research. Now you’re way more prepared than any average digital signage user on the market. 

All the necessary adjustments can be made in the built-in video editor if you choose the rights signage software. Currently, the Apple TV digital signage can be your best bet when it comes to affordable and top-quality options on the market, so make sure you give it a try.


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